Here you will discover my interest in coding, including some things I've coded!



I have a deep interest in coding! I know, in order from most fluent to least, HTML, JavaScript, Java, CSS, and PHP. I love watching as my code slowly comes together to create awesome end products like my website! Coding this website was really fun and has helped me learn a lot in HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, JSON, and computer science theory.

To wish my friend a happy birthday, I made this happy birthday page. It can be customized to anyone's name simply by adding a 'n' URL parameter set to the person's name. Check it out below :)

Happy Birthday

Playing around with professional emails, I figured out how to create and send HTML emails. I made an HTML email template below:

HTML Email Template

One day, I wanted to send my teacher a message about an assignment, but I felt the message wasn't important enough to require an email. So, I made this messaging page where I can write a message and include the link to the message on my assignment. Check it out below:


For a several weeks I taught my friend the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Check out our lesson files below:

Coding Lessons

On the caluclator page I coded several calculation tools that I find useful. I did the same in Java, too. If you'd like to check it out, click the button below to take a look at the source code. To run it, copy and paste it into a Java IDE.

Click the button at this link to see what it does! I coded it for my teacher to use and she really liked it!

Utlizing my coding skills and my website, I created these pages to wish people a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Check them out below:

Your browser does not support the canvas element.

Use the ACCELERATE button to stay in the air

How long can you stay alive?

Once you click the button below, use the "Refresh" button to play again.

Interested in what this website looked like at the very, very beginning? Check out the link below:

Read more in the Coding section:

Introduction to Computer Science

Date: Semester 1, 2020-2021

I took an Introduction to Computer Science high school course. I made a webpage specifically for my assignments and projects. Check it out! Note that most IntroToCS sublinks are not listed in the Other page.

Introduction to Computer Science

My parents have two vacation rental homes in Florida, and they asked me to code a website about them. I used the same format as, but it still took a while. Check out the website here:

All Pages

Social Media