Welcome to the School page! Here, you will discover some of my school projects.

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Having a website, I tend to do some of my school projects on my website, or as a video on YouTube. For these projects, I've listed them here, newest to oldest. Scroll down to check out some of my major school projects!

Air Mass Movements

Date: May 6, 2024

As part of a Chemistry project, I had to create a presentation on air mass movements and how they affect Tokyo, Japan. Here is the video!

Air Mass Movements

Copper Purification Animation

Date: December 8, 2023

As part of a Chemistry project, I had to create an animation about the copper extraction and purification process, more specifically for the chalcopyrite ore. Here it is!

Copper Purification Animation

Think Twice.

Date: November 16, 2023

For an Adulting project, I created a video PSA about the negative effects of alcohol. I compiled video clips and sound effects from online into this video!

Think Twice.

Fight for the American Dream

Date: May 17, 2023

For our AP Language final project, we were tasked with creating a persuasive campaign on a topic of our choice. I chose to create a campaign video calling for immigration reform.

Fight for the American Dream


Date: February 17, 2023

AP Lang project: make a webpage with various pieces of satire! It's time to make fun of anti-vaxxers.


The Telegraph: The Pioneer of Telecommunications

Date: December 15, 2022

For our US History final project, we were to create a video eulogizing a historical technology of our choosing. We choose to focus on the telegraph, making this video.

The Telegraph


Date: 2020-2024

I'm in the Engineering pathway at school. This page shows all the major projects we have done in class, from Introduction to Engineering Design, Principles of Engineering, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, and Engineering Design and Development.


Nanjing Massacre

Date: March 7, 2022

This was an English project where we were to create an 'interactive museum' about a historical event. I did it on the Nanjing Massacre, the mass killing of Chinese civilians in Nanjing during the Second Sino-Japanese War.

Nanjing Massacre


Date: January 27, 2022

This was an English project where we were to create an animation using Powtoon of an extended ending to a short story we read in class. The video I made extends the resolution of the short story "The Interlopers" by Saki.


Debeter Company - Photovoltaics

Date: January 12, 2022

This was an Engineering project where we were to pretend we were a company trying to advertise a particular energy type (in our case, photovoltaics) to a new island. Check it out!

Debeter Company - Photovoltaics


Date: December 15, 2021

This was a Chinese project where we were to explain our daily routine in Chinese. Wanting to be creative, I infused my speech with some funny recordings about life. Check it out!


Minor Act, Major Change

Date: December 14, 2021

This was a Photography project where, using a series of photos, we were to create a video that told a story. We infused sound effects and music in our video to make it more emotional and powerful. Check it out!

Minor Act, Major Change

It Was A Pleasure To Burn

Date: December 8, 2021

This was an English project where, after reading the book Fahrenheit 451, we were to write a series of blogs in Montag's perspective on the events of the story.

It Was A Pleasure To Burn

Panem Address - Stop the Rebels

Date: November 10, 2021

After reading The Hunger Games in English, we were to make our own form of propaganda imitating what the Capitol would show to its people to stop the looming rebellion. I made a Capitol TV news broadcast, check it out!

Panem Address - Stop the Rebels

History of Skiing

Date: May 25, 2021

After taking the AP exam, our final project for AP World History was to make a presentation on the history of anything, so I chose skiing. The pdf below provides an overview on the history of skiing, infused with humor throughout to make my teacher laugh so i get a better grade. You may notice that the 'units' in my presentation correspond with the topics of the units in the actual AP World History course.

History of Skiing

The Pythagorean Theorem

Date: May 18, 2021

For this project, I was to make a presentation about a topic in Geometry. I chose the Pythagorean Theorem, and discussed its proof, Pythagoras, various applications, the distance formula, and the circle equation.

The Pythagorean Theorem

Mother to Son

Date: May 16, 2021

For this project, I was to recite a poem, describe a connection, and explain what a character from A Raisin in the Sun would say about the poem. I chose to do this on Mother to Son, a poem by Langson Hughes about persevering through life's struggles.

Mother to Son

Engineering Unit 3 Mastery Assignment

Date: March 11, 2021

For this project, I was to make a presentation recapping Unit 3 of my Introduction to Engineering Design course: Reverse Engineering.

Engineering Unit 3 Mastery Assignment

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow

Date: March 11, 2021

For this project, I had to record myself reciting and acting out a few lines from a soliloquy in William Shakespeare's Macbeth. This passage occured immediately after the death of Lady Macbeth. Scene 5, Act 5, Lines 19-28.

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow


Date: December 4, 2020

In my Introduction to Computer Science course, my final project involved coding a website to solve a problem. In our school, we've been using many education platforms, and it's been hard for some to keep track of their assignments. I chose to code my own Google Classroom alternative that encompasses the features of all the other websites we've been using. After over 20 hours of coding and debugging, I'm proud of my finished product. Go check it out! The username is 'AnAwesomeStudent' and the password is 'AVerySecurePassword'.


Introduction to Computer Science

Date: December 4, 2020

I took an Introduction to Computer Science high school course. I made a webpage specifically for my assignments and projects. Check it out! Note that most IntroToCS sublinks are not listed in the Other page.

Introduction to Computer Science

Conflict Resolution Skit

Date: August 28, 2020

For this Health project, we were to record ourselves acting out skits about resolving conflicts. Because of COVID-19, I made a video skit wiht my friend over zoom. Of course, I decided to put it onto this website. The video is to the right, but if you want to watch it on the YouTube website, click the button below.

Conflict Resolution Skit

↑↑ High School Projects ↑↑

↓↓ Elementary School Projects ↓↓

Beyond The Trees

Date: December 4, 2020

This was a school Literacy project where we were to do a novel study on a book we read. Of course, I chose to do it on this website. Check it out!

Beyond The Trees

The Coin Conjoin

Date: April 12, 2020

For this Literacy project, we were to make a product and present it as if we were businessmen presenting our company to the Dragons in Dragon's Den. We made a coin sorter called the Coin Conjoin, and we asked for $45,000 for 15% of our company. Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, we couldn't get together in person, but instead of doing a boring slideshow, we got creative and green-screened our bodies together!

The Coin Conjoin

Aventures dans un nouveau monde

Date: December 4, 2020

This was a school French project, where we were to make a 'photo essay' with at least 6-8 French sentences in futur proche. Read it if you can (or use Google Translate)!

Aventures dans un nouveau monde


Date: December 4, 2020

This was a school Science project about desalination techniques and challenges. Read it if you want to learn about how to turn saline water into freshwater!


Worker Safety + Conditions in Post Confederation Canada - Canada’s History

Date: March 7, 2020

For this History project, we were to choose a topic to study about Canada after Confederation, and present it to the class. Like always, we chose to do a video, and we chose the "Worker Safety and Conditions" topic. In this video, you'll learn all about the working conditions during the Second Industrial Revolution in Post Confederation Canada. There is also a Behind The Scenes video!

Click the button to get to the video on YouTube:

YouTube Behind The Scenes

Le merveilleux pays de la Belgique!

Date: January 24, 2020

For this French project, we were to study a French country of choice and talk about the famous foods, music, sports, etc. We chose Belgium, and we presented in the form of a video.

Click the button to get to the video on YouTube:


Digital Poem

Date: January 23, 2020

For this project, we were to write a poem with literary devices about a topic we were passionate about, and present it electronically using Google Slides, using fancy transitions and text movements. However, I chose to use iMovie and Markup on iPad, presenting in the form of a video. Of course, I chose to make my poem about skiing. (btw I got 100% on this project)

Click this button to get to the video on YouTube:


How A Bike Works

Date: January 10, 2020

For this project, we were to pick a system of our choice, study it, and do a presentation on it. We chose Bikes as our system, and we chose to present in the form of a video. In the video, you'll learn all about how the different components of a bike work together to work as a mode of transportation, and much more!

Click this button to get to the video on YouTube:


Arrêtons L'intimidation

Date: December 4, 2019

This was a school French project on bullying and how to stop it! Read it if you can (or use Google Translate)!

Arrêtons L'intimidation

A Significant Canadian Historical Figure

Date: December 2019

For this project we had to choose a significant canadian historical figure, and research about him We had to show our understand of his actions, whether he was 'good' or 'bad', etc. We chose to present in the form of a video.

Click this button to get to the video on YouTube:



Date: November 20, 2019

For this project, we were to make an advertisement on a health or unhealthy food, and try to persuade the audience why it's good or bad for you. We chose smoothies, and chose to make a how-to style video. There is also a Behind The Scenes video!

Click on this button to get to the video on YouTube:

YouTube Behind The Scenes


Date: November 2019

In the Fall of 2019, I was in a group of music-passionate students performing in our school's submission to CBC's Canadian Music Class Challenge. We were to record group performing a song of our selection. We used orff, piano, boomwhackers, and a variety of other instruments. I was the pianist, and this is our recording!


TED Talk

Date: May 20, 2019

For this Literacy project, we were to research a topic we were passionate about, and perform a TED Talk about it, as if we were professionals on that topic. Of course, I did a professional video instead of performing in-class. Take a look at my work!

TED Talk

Passage From a Book

Date: April 9, 2019

A portion of this project was to select your favour paragraph from a book and explain why. I chose one, and spoke it out along with pictures and music, to get extra marks. The video on the right is what I used for my project.

Click this button to get to the video on YouTube:


The Bully Dance

Date: May 2018

Throughout my Grade 7 year, my class worked on a Drama production that we would perform in a multi-school competition. Our performance highlighted the issue of bullying, bringing the audience in a creative tour through the dangers of the act. In May 2018, we performed at the competition, and this is the recording.


A Promise is a Promise

Date: June 2017

A promise is a promise is a traditional Inuit play highlighting the dangers of disobeying parents and the importance of keeping promises. Throughout the entire year in Grade 5, our class worked on a Drama production that would be broadcast across the country. In June of that year, we performed live, and this is the recording.


Genius Hour

Date: June 2017

During the second term of Grade 5, we did a Genius hour project, where, for an hour every day, we study a topic we are passionate about. After several weeks, we present what we made about our topic. I chose the question "What are the features on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner? To answer the question, I chose to make a website. At this time, I wasn't very good at HTML, so I used WIX.

Click this to check out the website:


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