Welcome to the Technology page! This page is all about my interest in technology! Read on to learn more.

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I love technology! From coding, to how the circuits work, to the science behind how every part came to be, it always amazes me. I have lots of high tech things, like a 3D printer, a soldering iron to make circuits, a small solar panel, rechargeable batteries, GoPros, and more. I want to be some kind of electrical engineer in the future. See the links below for more on technology!


In January 2024, we attended CruzHacks, our second year attending this hackathon. We set out to create a learning environment that used AI and a hardware interface to create an engaging, interactive, at-home educational experience for elementary school students. This could help students recieve more personalized help and be able to visualize their thought processes while answering MCQs. Check out our project pitch video above!

MHHS Circuitry Club 2022-2023

In the fall of 2022, I founded the MHHS Circuitry Club along with a few other students. We went on a mission to build a community of circuitry enthusiasts, and over the year we ran so many successful events with our club. This video recaps the 2022-2023 MHHS Circuitry Club experience!


In Late April 2023, 1000 hackers from around the continent and world got together at UCLA for LA Hacks, the largest hackathon in southern California. While we didn't win an award at this hackathon, it was the largest we've attended and was a fantastic experience. We created a smart trash bin, which we called SmartBins, which could automatically sort trash and recycling using AI and weigh the amounts of trash and recycling produced in the bin, uploading the data onto an online dashboard. Check out the video for the project demo video we made during the hackathon.

MountainHacks 2023

On Saturday, March 18, 2023, 150 high school students from across the Bay Area and Central Valley met at Mountain House High School for MountainHacks 2023. Over a period of 14 hours, these aspiring programmers, designers, and engineers created innovative projects aimed at bringing the world to new heights. This is the experience.

MHHS Robotics 2022-2023

Over the year, MHHS Robotics teams 19359A, 19359B, 19359C, and 19359D have been working hard on their robots. On Saturday, February 25, 2023, they competed in the River Islands VEX Robotics Competition, and team 19359A brought home the Judges Award! This video recaps the year's program.


In February 2023, we participated in CruzHacks 2023, a 36-hour hackathon at University of California, Santa Cruz. We developed a home assistive device that uses gestures to control appliances, targeting those who have speech impairments. Our project used an integration of AI, machine learning, Arduino, bluetooth, and 3D printing technology. We got the Most Useful Hack award!! See the first video about our experience at the hackathon. The second video is a pitch video we made for our product after the hackathon.

2nd Middle School Circuitry Workshop | MHHS Circuitry Club

In January 2023, the MHHS Circuitry Club invited over 40 middle school students to an exciting, hands-on 2-day workshop. Students learned about Arduinos, DC Power Supplies, and solar panels, took notes, explored through hands-on activities with real equipment, engaged in a live electrostatic generator demonstration, and took home kits to continue learning at home!

Computer History Museum Field Trip | MHHS Hackathon Club

On December 9, 2022, Hackathon Club brought 61 students to the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California. This video recaps the field trip!

Middle School Workshop 12/02 | MHHS Robotics Club

As President of the MHHS Robotics Club, 36 students from across the district came in for our middle school workshop fundraiser. Students learned about the Engineering Design Process and built, programmed, and tested robots, using optical sensors to navigate a field autonomously! The workshop ended with a competition and celebration among teams.

UCLA Introduction to Engineering Design: Rovers (E96A) Summer Institute

During the Summer of 2022, I attended a UCLA Introduction to Engineering Design: Rovers (E96A) Precollege Summer Institute. We learned how to program Arduinos with H-Bridges, Ultrasonic Sensors, Time of Flight Sensors, Gyroscopes, and Servos, and learned how to model things in CAD, laser cut, 3D Print, and so much more. This video recaps the 3-week experience.


Me and two friends competed in Unite Hacks 2022, a hackathon with a prompt of 'Innovation'. Identifying a problem with dumbell weight training - after all, they are dumb - we added technology to them to make them smartbells! Our project got 3rd place! This is our project pitch video. As we made a mobile app for this hackathon, there is no website link.


Me and three friends competed in ImpactHacks 2022, an AI-based hackathon with a prompt of "social good". With inspiration from a previous hackathon project we had made, we made a revolutionary new school security system that used AI, bluethooth technology, and various hardware components to ensure all people entering a school are authorized. Our project got the Judge's Choice award!! This is our project pitch video. The website for our project is below.

ateps.akze.repl.co Devpost Submission

Buzz & Slap

Me and two friends competed in AssembleHacks 2022, one of the first in-person hackathons after the COVID-19 pandemic! The in-person format was very fun, with scavenger hunts and puzzles planned for us. We slept on chairs in sleeping bags (for the 3 hours that we did sleep), worked in a tiny room which we named The Closet, and ate in a kitchen area with food which the organizers prepared for us. The prompt for the hackathon was "piece of shit that nobody needs", and the voting was done by our fellow participants in a science-fair-style format, so we went for a more informal and fun project. Our project got the Most Upvoted Project award!! This is our project pitch video. The website for our project is below.



Me and two friends competed in PantherHacks2022, making a hardware hack that offered a new solution to attendance-taking at schools. We used an RFID sensor and LCD display connected to an Arduino, a Raspberry Pi, a python flask backend, a Firebase database, and HTML/CSS/JS for the UI, seamlessly integrating the hardware and software portions together into a polished product. Our project got 1st place!! This is our project pitch video. The website for our project, and the Devpost submission, are below.

herecard.tech Devpost Submission

State Robotics Competition

In March 2022, after making it through the regionals competition, my team and I competed in the state Vex Robotics competition at Miltipas. This video documents our robotics experience.

DIY LED Strip Lights

Suddenly getting an idea while sitting around staring at my Arduino, I made these homemade LED strip lights for my room using the Arduino, an IR remote sensor, soldering equipment, and other electrical components. This project was super fun, combining my electrical engineering knowledge into a single project, and the finished product made it worth staying up until 4am! The video below documents the creation of this project.

Robotics Competition

In February 2022, my team and I competed in the Vex Robotics Competition Tipping Point. Though we didn't rank high, the experience was very hands-on, fun, and educational. This video documents our robotics experience.

3D Printing

A few years ago, I got a 3D printer. It has since proved very useful! I've printed several accessories for my GoPro with it, using them to get awesme clips for my YouTube videos. Check out the quick video linked below of me making a pole mount for skiing recordings:

Making a Pole Mount

More in the Technology section:


Check out the page about my interest in coding! And yes, I coded this website too!


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